Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Thoughts Day 3

Today was horrible(Which is becoming a trend), the management at my job are morons. It can't be that difficult to make sure we have the parts we need to build kits. Anyway things just got worst because my transportation is gone. Got two new bills this week and I had to miss work on Monday. All I wanna do is work and make money and now that's compromised. Life gets so hard at times man, sometimes I don't wanna deal with it. Wish I could go back to being a kid or something. I always wondered who's there when the hero needs a hero? I've been having dreams well more like nightmares all this week. I had a dream that I murdered my little brother which Is crazy because that's my heart. I've cut back on the One Tree Hill which is good I guess. Last night I talked to the female I care about it was so much fun. First time I've had fun in a while lol. She's going through more shit than me yet she's there for me. I'm working on two songs that I think will turn out great. Football is back(well preseason anyway) that should serve as a good distraction. I just have to make it through this year then I'll be ok. Ready to move back home to Maryland, I miss it so much. This is noway to live, a weaker person would've ended It by now. I'm learning to cut people out of my life that only take and not give. My bro describes me as being "LeBron In Cleveland" because I always put the team on my back and solve all the problems. Well to keep It real I'm tired of it, especially when I'm never looked out for. I'll get tired of it and change I guess. Need to get away this weekend, hopefully I can go chill with my homegirl. She's cool ass shit and she has this big ass smile which is cute lol. Well my friends I need to go clear my head. So until we meet again, It's been real.

Song of the Day: Hero - Nickleback

Quote of the Day: “There are going to be times when you learn more about the world you’re entering and feel defeated when you see the gap between the ideal and the reality… But that’s something we’ll all face. The people that face those obstacles and overcome them are people whose dreams come true.”  ― Tsugumi Ohba

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