Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Thoughts Day 8

Finally caught up man, I don't know how I made It through today. My boss took the punk way out and left this lady In charge. I dealt with this at my very first job and I don't know If I can handle It again. Management fucks up and blames It on us. Yeah you can suck my dick with that one punk motherfuckers. So I found out I might have a heart condition today. As If I needed more things on my plate. It could be a false flag because of all the stress I've been going through lately. If I do have one I don't know what I'll do. Guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to It right? There has to be a better way of living than this. I'm thinking about going back to school to find a career. Something I love like social work or with computers. These 9-5's are not getting It done man. I slept as soon as I get off which I know Is a mistake. I'm just mentally all over the place right now. I told my bros earlier about the heart thing and right on cue they provided the laughs I needed. The person I want to talk to the most seems so distant at the time I need them the most. Life just happens that way I suppose. I have a couple of tough decisions to make. In the meantime I'm going to just get this money baby(Johnny Manziel finger rub followed by a Birdman Hand Rub lol). Clan wars start tomorrow, I think I'm going to sit this one out. Which kinda sucks because we're one win away from Diamond Division(Sorry to all the non COD people lol). Think I'm going to finish watching the One Tree Hill series. Thought It was bringing back too many memories but the past Is the past. I found out one of my closest friends lost her Grandma today. I can't imagine losing mine, glad I got to see her when I visited home. Time to try and get some sleep, long day at work tomorrow. Adios amigos and amigas.

Song of The Day: Ain't No Grave - Johnny Cash

Quote of The Day: “Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.”
Ernest Hemingway

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